World Food Programme Uffici

  • World Food Programme Uffici
  • World Food Programme Uffici
  • World Food Programme Uffici
  • World Food Programme Uffici
  • World Food Programme Uffici

World Food Programme – Uffici

Via Viola, Roma

Interventi di Deep Renovation dell’ immobile destinato ad uffici.


Client: Fabrica Immobiliare SGR S.p.A. Owner e Client

Rating System: LEED v.2009 BD+C: Core&Shell

Certification goal: GOLD

Services: LEED Administration – LEED Pre-Assessment – LEED Consulting in “Design Phase” e“Construction Phase” to Owner (DL LEED) Whole-building energy simulation according to ANSI/ASHRAE/IESNA Standard 90.1- 2007

Total GFA: 6.000 mq

Period: 2020-2022

Project posted on the official website of U.S. Green Building Council

